Ha-Be Betonchemie GmbH
About us
We provide a comprehensive range of products and solutions for the global concrete industry, including admixtures, colours, protection systems, fibres, and additives.
Our product portfolio includes specially formulated admixture systems tailored to meet the needs of various concrete applications, such as ready-mix concrete, precast concrete, manufactured concrete products, tunnel projects, and infrastructure construction.
We have become a leading European manufacturer in the concrete industry thanks to our high-quality products, extensive expertise in concrete technology, and exceptional customer service.
Stuevestr. 39
31785 Hameln
E-mail: info@ha-be.com
Phone: +49 5151 5870
Internet: www.ha-be.com
Contact person:
Björn Mordhorst
Managing Director
E-mail: mordhorst@ha-be.com
Phone: +49 5151 587-39
Products & Services
Air entraining agents
Curing agents
Foaming agent
Release agents
Screed & mortar additives
Shrinkage reducer
Viscosity modifiers
Water resisting admixtures
PROTECTIONWaterproofing admixtures
Colour-neutral impregnations
Colour-intensifying sealers
UV-curing systems
FIBRESPolypropylene fibres
Steel fibres
Admixtures & Foam Generator for Lightweight Concrete
These components enable the reliable and fast production of foam concrete.
High foam output ratios enable SUMO to produce 30 – 40 m³ foam concrete per hour. Ongoing high foam quality ensures purposeful adjustments of concrete qualities and maintains its bulk density even after long transport distances.
Ha-Be Silica Fluid
Ha-Be Silica Fluid is tested according to the ASTM C 1240 and complies with the requirements.
The slurry provides the following benefits:
> Enhanced concrete quality
> Decreased handling costs
> Optimised work process
> Lower investment costs
> Increased environmental friendliness & reduced wastage costs
> Improves health conditions
Concrete Colours
Our colours are based on inorganic, synthetic pigments, e.g., iron oxides, chromium oxides, cobalt blue, titanium white, and carbon-based black pigments.
Building Materials
Our new range of building materials including: tile adhesive, concrete repair products, sealant and waterproofing in addition to structural grout and anchoring products